Impotence is thought of as being a problem that only old men have to deal with. And while the prevalence of erectile dysfunction does increase with age, ED can affect any man at any age. There are both physical and psychological causes that can lead to erectile dysfunction.
Chart: “Major Risk Factors for ED: Aging” Pathophysiology of Erectile Dysfunction, Penn Clinical Manual of Urology
In some cases, impotence is mild and/or temporary. For other men, it is more serious and longer lasting. As with any medical condition, erectile dysfunction is often best treated promptly. The sooner it is diagnosed and treated, the better the outcome.
Erectile dysfunction is a progressive disease, with disuse of the organ, healthy tissue will deteriorate. Additionally, ED is not just a sexual problem. A fulfilling sex life can lead to greater satisfaction in many other aspects of life, including social, family and work environments.