When it comes to making the best possible treatment recommendation for erectile dysfunction (ED), understanding the patient as a whole person is extremely important. It is easy to take a pill to treat the symptoms, but if the underlying cause of ED is not diagnosed and addressed it is less likely that a patient will experience lasting results.
Recent studies have shown that there are many factors influencing male sexual dysfunction, including ED. At Progressive Men’s Health, we know the long term value of understanding a patient’s complete medical history as well as their lifestyle and personal concerns that may be impacting sexual function.
Factors in male sexual function
- decreased testosterone levels
- certain medical conditions
- obesity
- personal stress
- marital discord
- mental health issues
- certain medications
- lifestyle
We offer treatment for patients that does not rely on the ongoing use of medication, but instead treats the underlying physical problem. Results from our unique treatment are typically permanent and enable patients to return to normal sexual function that is able to be both spontaneous and completely natural.
During a consultation we will discuss your medical history, personal lifestyle, concerns you may have and your treatment goals. Fully understanding the nature and probable cause of a patient’s sexual dysfunction is the key to successful treatment.
If you are experiencing sexual dysfunction, schedule a confidential consultation at Progressive Men’s Health and begin the process of restoring not only your sex life but an improved quality of life.